Thursday, February 25, 2010

For Project MST s5, Nicole Alvarez, Aturo Rojas, Matthew Mac Connoran

Clearly identify 10 different storage items from the hardware take or their computers and classify them into categories:

Processing Unit-

Portable Memory- Flash Drive, Memory Card, Removable Hard Drive, CD-ROM, Floppy Disk, Iomega Zip Drive, DVD, USB Drve

Short Term Memory-RAM

Long Terms- Hard Drive

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Homework#5, Computer thru Time

I think that computers have changed in my lifetime by more people getting addicted to computer devices and make it their lives. When I was growing up my first computer was a huge computer and now I have a laptop and flat screen computer. Computers got much smaller and take it anywhere, keyboards and mouses are without a cable connected to the computer. When I was in grade school the computers were huge and mouse had a ball underneath it and now its like a little red light. Now computers are even like phones and easy to do anything, you don't even have to call the person to tell them something just text them or email them. My mom told me that when she was around my age it wouldn't be as easy as now because before if you wanted to send a message to someone you would have to send a mail or call them which made it more personal. When she had to call someone to tell them something or go and see the person not email or text or aim someone. Than my dad said that it was beautiful without computers. Because no body spent time with their technology they spent more time with family than electronics like now. He would play with his yoyo, kites, soccer, and little things but those little things meant a lot to him. Their lives were good and happy even without computers.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

What is BIOS?

BIOS is a chip that is located in the computer motherboards that would have instructions and setup to show you how the system should boot and operate.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Input, Output, and Storage Devices; Absent that day.

Input Devices are any computer device that would control the computer or give data into the computer.

Output Devices are a computer device that takes the information from a computer out.

Storage Devices are used to save any data from a computer.

Saturday, February 13, 2010

System clock

System clock is the time of day on the computer.


A scanner is a device that will copy what is on a paper into the computer.

Read-only memory (ROM)

The Read-only memory is another computer memory where data is being prerecorded.

Random access memory (RAM)

A Random access memory is a type of computer memory.


A pointer is a small arrow that is being shown on the computer that would be driven by a computer mouse.


A plotter is a device that would draw pictures that are sent from the computer.

Output devices

An output device is anything that would come out from a computer into a paper or through a projector.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Optical storage devices

Optical storage device is the capacity of a device to store data.

Non impact printers

A Non impact printers are a device that prints text or pictures.

Mouse: Network drive

A mouse is a device that would control the cursor on the monitor.


A motherboard is the main circuit board of a microcomputer.

Main Memory: Memory

The main memory is where every program or file you access would be copied from a storage device into a main memory.

Instruction cycle (I-cycle): Keyboard

The I-cycle is the time period when the instruction from the memory is sent into the computer and there is usually 4 steps to it.

Input devices

Input devices is a device like a keyboard that you can see and feel that would let you type something and it would input it into the screen.

Impact printers

An impact printer is a type a printer which works by banging a needle to an ink to make something on a piece of paper.

Execution cycle (E-cycle): Hard disk drive

An E-cycle means recycling the computers.


DVD drives are like CD-ROM's but a DVD drive would hold more capacity.


A controller is a device that transforms data from a computer to a peripheral device or the other way around.

Central processing unit (CPU)

The Central processing unit (CPU) is where all the processing of the computer is taken place, and also is the most important part oft he computer.


A CD-ROM is what lets you read a regular CD.


A byte is storage where it contains to hold a single character. Usually it a byte is equal to 8 bits.


Bit is the smallest unit of information in the machine.

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII)

American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII) is a code to represent English characters as numbers. The character's numbers are from 0-127.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

What are the parts of a computer? And different type of computers.

There are many parts of the computer. The parts of a computer would be monitor, system unit, speakers, keyboard, modem, mouse, printer, hard disk drive, cd dvd drives, floppy disk drive, printer, and speakers. There are also many different type of computers. Five type of computers there is are personal computers, desktop, laptop, pda and workstation.

Monday, February 8, 2010

What is the difference between hardware and software?

The difference between hardware and software is that hardware is a phsyical device like a monitor and software is a code which tells harware what to do. Soft ware is liek the internet.

What is a computer?

A computer is a device that would contain data, also store and process data. A computer would input and output data they would also translate data and obtain it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

My Expections

I expect my teacher to teach me all I need to know about Digital World to be able to finish this semester with knowledge about Digital World. I would expect my teacher to teach me all the basic stuff to leave each day with learning something new about the subject. From my peers I expect them to let the teacher teach us. My peers to be respectful to each other and work along by also helping each other. From my self I would expect myself to not get distracted and to work hard each day to get a good grade.