Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Do Now: March24,2010

110000= 48
101011= 43
11111= 31
56= 111000
192= 11000000
512= 1000000000

Thursday, March 18, 2010


The window on a computer would display a program or application.


The toolbar is an easier way to select something from the window that is open.

Title bar

The title bar is located on top of the window and it contains the name of the file or application.


The taskbar is located in the desktop that allos you to switch between open windows or to open a new window.

Scroll bar

A scroll bar is either horizontal or vertical bars that allow you to go down or up the page.


Restore is bring back the window to its original size.

How technology will influence your career?

Technology is able to influence many people in there career. If I were to learn what I need to learn to advance this my career could be as a technician. Technology is something everyone uses and it always breaks well at least once. Electronics are breakable so it can be broken easily by something you do by accident. While there is technology where it would allow me to be able to work as a technician. I could help others to fix their computer or any type of electronic that needs to be fixed. I get to see the damages in an electronic and get familiar with it so if it would to show up again I would know how to fix it better. With more work I would do the better I would get and be able to get in a higher level in my career. Technology having to do with my career might also be difficult because the problems with the device aren't all the same and some are unusual.

A technician can also make computers more advance and by doing that it would make everything more interesting and seeing how I can make my last invention better. I might even be able to start my own business but that would need more years of learning how to do almost everything with a computer. Because I won't want to start my own business and just started to learn, it would be better if I train first and than my business can come along. Technology is everywhere and we can't stop it because there would be many people that need it. Technology is like an everyday thing and with that going on it would break and they can come to me and I would be there to fix it for them. Technology would gratefully influence my career by many way.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Pointing Device

A pointing device is a mouse that lets you click on icons or other things on the computers desktop.


Minimize is the opposite of maximize because this lets you make the window smaller or restore it.

Menu bar

A menu bar is a row of menu titles.


A menu is a list of options that are different commands.


Maximize is when you would enlarge the window in the computer.


An icon is a tiny picture on the screen that are either files or different type of functions.


A folder is where you would store your information and you can have many folders to be organized.


A desktop is the first picture when you turn on the computer.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Utility software

A utility software helps you analyze and maintain the computer.

User interface

User interface is one of the most important parts in a computer, this user interface lets you make your program do what you want to do and very easily.


Unix is a popular multitasking operating systems which is also one of the first high level operating system.

Systems software

System software is an operating system that manages the computer resources.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Software development

A Software development is software activities that give the software product to the computer.

Operating systems

The operating system is what makes the computers run, everything on a the computer has to have an operating system so it can run properly.

Network operating system

Network operating system is another operating system that allows the computers to connect to a local area network.

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Multitasking is when you do more than one task but at the same time.


MS-DOS is a type of operating system and was created by Microsoft. The MS-DOS has 4,000 lines of codes.

Language translators

Language translators is a program in the computer that allows you to change the the language into another.

Graphical user interfaces (GUIs)

A Graphical user interfaces is a program in the computer that makes the computer graphics work better.


A boot is the first software that allows the computer to start.

Applications Software

Applications software is a computer software which has programs to add into your computer but can not work without a operating system.


Algorithm is to show you the steps of doing something. This allows you to understand and to be able to do what you have to do clearly.

Homework; 10 steps Coffee Algorithm

Ten steps to making Coffee.
1) You would pick the coffee beans from the tree.
2) Clean the beans that you have picked.
3) Than let the coffee beans dry on a blanket or cloth.
4) Toast the coffee beans in a pan and keep stirring the coffee beans with oil.
5) Ground the coffee beans after being toasted.
6) Add the grounds into the coffee maker.
7) Than place a coffee filter on the coffee maker.
8) Put beans on the coffee filter and add water into the coffee maker.
9) Once the coffee had finished pouring you may have your coffee warm and ready to drink.
10) One last touch is the sugar and put it as any way you like it.

What is a software?

A software is a program to install into the computer. You aren't able to touch the software because the program is in the CD that allows you to install the program into the computer.